The mission of Roebuck Baptist Church is to glorify God through worship, witness, fellowship, and ministry, from the hearts of our people to the ends of the earth.
We have broken this mission down into four sections to explain how we are striving to fulfill this mission in our community
Our Mission
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines worship as, “The act of showing respect and love for a god especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god.” At Roebuck Baptist Church we worship the one true God Jehovah as revealed to us in the Bible as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Worship is not a style of music, special effects or performance by any group or individual but it is a lifestyle of devotion. When we worship we have an audience of One to whom we are saying, “You are God and I am not.”
At RBC we are blessed to have all of our people together for our corporate worship. On Sunday mornings at 10:55 we all gather in our sanctuary and worship God using music of all different styles that honor God, praying and reading God’s Word together and hearing it proclaimed.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
We are committed to missions at Roebuck Baptist Church. From the neighborhood right around our church to going halfway around the world, we regularly commission church members to go and share the gospel. Listed below are mission commitments we have made all over the world as well as several local ministries that we support financially and through hands on participation.
International Missions - We have a commitment to serve internationally through prayer, giving, and relationship building.
Peru – Ashaninca People – We recently completed a four year partnership with the Ashaninca people. We worked in the villages with the people doing VBS, Soccer camps and construction as well as training church leaders in the villages. Now we are supporting our brothers and sisters there through prayer and giving.
Good News Club – On Friday afternoons during the school year we have around 30 workers from RBC that do an after school club called Good News Club at Roebuck Elementary School. We have around 200 children that sing songs, play games, learn memory verses and hear Bible stories on the public school campus.
Upward Basketball - Upward is a Christian sports program based here in Spartanburg. We have hosted basketball leagues for seventeen years through Upward and our members have helped out by coaching, refereeing, score keeping and by giving devotions during the games.
Deaf Ministry – We have a deaf service that meets at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays as well as Sunday night and Wednesday night Bible studies. Rev. LeRance Hall is our Deaf Minister.
Mission House – We have a mission house next to the church. This house serves as very inexpensive housing for missionaries who are on furlough.
Local Benevolence – On a limited basis we help out people in our community who are having a tough time financially and stock a food closet for those who are hungry.
We also have several other local ministries that we support in our yearly budget:
Carolina Pregnancy Center – We have supported this crisis pregnancy center for over 25 years. We also have many who volunteer at the center and serve on their board of directors.
Child Evangelism Fellowship – CEF is a local children’s ministry that we support in many ways. They sponsor our Good News Club on Friday afternoons and they train some of our youth as summer missionaries through their Christian Youth in Action ministry in the summer. Their office is on our campus, their director, Donna Gilmore is an active member at RBC and we have members who serve on their board of directors.
Greater Spartanburg Ministries – Providing food, clothing and financial help to those in Spartanburg who are struggling.
Mobile Meals – Local ministry serving daily meals to senior citizens and those who are shut in their homes.
Soup Kitchen – Feeding the hungry and homeless of Spartanburg County daily in down town Spartanburg.
“…and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:24-25
It is essential that we gather in smaller groups within the church each week to develop relationships and encourage each other. Listed below are several groups that meet on a regular basis.
Sunday morning Bible Study – This is the backbone of our fellowship ministry and everyone in the church is encouraged to participate. We have 28 classes that meet each week throughout the year at 9:45 on Sunday morning. We gather to study God’s Word and to fellowship and encourage each other.
Short-term discipleship classes – These classes are focused on specific subjects that are relevant to today and run between 6-13 weeks during fall and winter/spring semesters.
Ladies Bible Studies – These also run during the two semesters and are offered on Tuesday morning, Wednesday night and Sunday night.
Men’s Small Groups – We have several men’s groups that meet throughout the year. They involve 6-8 men each and meet in various location and times.
Deaf Fellowship - We have an active deaf fellowship that not only has their own service but also meet together for Bible study and fellowship on Wednesday and Sunday evenings and has many planned fellowships throughout the year.
Young at Heart – This is our senior adult ministry. The have a weekly Bible study on Wednesday morning at 10:00, monthly fellowship (usually Tuesday at lunch) and take various trips throughout the year.
Music – This fellowship leads our congregation in worship each Sunday morning. It is also known as the Sanctuary choir. We rehearse every Wednesday evening at 7:29 and we sing, share our prayer request and pray together each week.
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew 9:37-38
Music Ministry – Sanctuary Choir, Worship Team, Orchestra, Youth Praise Team, solo and ensemble special music, Guitar Club. There are many ways for you to serve in the area of music in our church. There is always a seat for you in the choir.
Audio Visual – This community of volunteers keep the sound and lights on in each service, run the cameras, projectors and computer and record all our Sunday morning service to send out to our shut-ins and to put on this web site. This is a great place to serve and we would love to help you get involved
Children - We at Roebuck Baptist are committed to constructing kids for Christ. We strive to form a firm foundation of biblical truths to lead them throughout their lives. Our goal is for children to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and to continue to build their lives on the Rock!
Youth – This is a very active ministry led by our youth minister. They have a Sunday night youth worship service, Wednesday night discipleship classes, have fall and spring retreats, attend summer camp, go on a yearly mission trip and have regular special events all through the year.
College – Because our youth ministry has been so strong our college ministry is a natural overflow. We have a strong college class and have begun college discipleship classes as well. This group enjoys hanging together.
Career – We saw the need that as these young people grow out of high school and college they need their own group to identify with. Our newest class is our career class and it is very strong. They meet weekly and are developing relationships as they go out into the work force.
Women’s Ministry – We offer Ladies Bible studies in the fall and spring and have several ladies events during the year.
Men’s Ministry – There are several small men’s groups that meet at different times during the week for the purpose of accountability, Bible Study and prayer.
Sr. Adult Ministry – We have an active senior adult group that goes by the name Young at Heart. They have a Wednesday morning Bible Study, monthly Tuesday morning programs with a meal, go on trips such as Myrtle Beach and Gatlinburg and enjoy fellowshipping together.
Benevolence Ministry – We provide a limited food bank for those who are hungry in our community and helps Roebuck families who are in desperate need.
Recreation – This ministry offers regular exercise classes for all ages, organizes team sports in the community such as working with Upward Sports and has seasonal golf tournaments and other outdoor activities.
Deaf Ministry – Reaches out to the deaf community in the Spartanburg area. We have a weekly deaf worship service led by our Deaf minister as well as Bible studies and activities​
In order to appropriately maintain safe practices, our church gathers together for worship Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m.--both online & in person. We are a multi-generational church that has many ages. We have a lot of variety on Sunday mornings from a traditional orchestra, to a worship team with choir, to a college praise team. It’s all of the body of Christ leading the church in worship.
Our emphasis is on the Word of God and the preaching of the Word by our pastor along with the fellowship of the body. We would love to have you be a part of our Sunday morning worship!
Youth Worship
Youth worship meets on Wednesday nights during the school year. This is not only a time of great fellowship for the students but a time of biblical instruction. The worship is led by our youth praise band.
The youth praise band is an assortment of young musicians coming together to lead a congregation of students in worshiping God through contemporary Christian music. Guitarists, percussionists, vocalists and individuals equipped to run PowerPoint combine their gifts to glorify God through uplifting and encouraging songs.
Children’s Worship
We are excited to offer a worship experience geared especially for our children. We offer an alternative for our 1st - 5th Graders. Children's Worship is offered to give parents an option in building the firm foundation we strive to build for our children. We are constructing Kids for Christ by teaching them to build their lives on the Lord Jesus Christ!
Deaf Worship
Our Deaf Ministry have their own worship service at 10:55 a.m. on Sunday mornings in our chapel. They meet every week except the last Sunday of the month on which they join our service in the sanctuary with an interpreter.
They are led by our deaf minister Rev. LeRance Hall and they love to worship. We turn the bass way up and they worship with a melody in their heart. They sign with their own rhythm with or without music.
We love having the deaf community be a part of our fellowship. They are a vibrant group that love to fellowship together.