RBC History
In 1911 some local Baptist saw the need to start a church in the middle of the town of Roebuck near the train depot. From this vision came Roebuck Baptist Church, which over the past 100 years has developed a rich tradition in our community. RBC is a Southern Baptist Church that holds to the truth of Scripture and conservative values. We are a family oriented church that includes programs for all ages and practices a blended style of worship.
We are very active in our community and support many local ministries as well as missions all over the world. Many of our members serve on local boards and volunteer their time in the community. Please check out the ministry pages on this web site to see what we offer and to see if this is where God wants you and your family to worship.
The mission of Roebuck Baptist Church is to glorify God through worship, witness, fellowship, and ministry, from the hearts of our people to the ends of the earth.
Common Faith Questions:
Am I good enough to go to heaven?
Not on your own. But the great news is that you do not have to get there on your own.
The Bible teaches that no one is good enough to go to heaven. According to scripture, even our 'good' deeds are proportionally likened to filthy rags in comparison with deeds which would merit heavenly admission. (Isaiah 64:6) Scripture also teaches that all men have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6), all have sinned (Romans 3:23), and none are worthy (Romans 3:10).
You are not good enough to go to heaven on your own, but Jesus has prepared the way for you.
​He lived the perfect life you could not live, and died the death you should have died, paying the sacrifice you could not pay.
​You are not good enough to get to heaven on your own, but Jesus is. And He says, “Follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)
Is Jesus really the only way?
Yes. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Many people try many ways to get to heaven. But only one man lived a perfect life, and paid the sacrifice for you. His name is Jesus. Though there have been a lot of great men and women throughout history, none were the Son of God like Jesus was. So none could live the life He lived, die the death He died, and rise again from the grave like He did. Because He did this He can offer you true life (John 1:12) like He does.
What makes the Bible different from other religious books? Can we trust it?
We believe you can, but we also recognize that there is a faith step required in that trust.
The Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant, infallible word. God has preserved exactly what we need “that pertain[s] to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3-4) in the pages of Scripture. The picture that the Bible itself paints is that Scripture is “breathed out” by God, useful for “for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)
But to fully trust something, you must take a step of faith--and trusting the Bible is no different. Read it for yourself. Wrestle with its claims. Live out the truths which it calls us to live out. Find out for yourself its trustworthiness.
What translation should I read?
There are plenty of good translations that we’d suggest. Our pastor Tim Williams uses the New American Standard Version, so if you’d like to follow along with him word-for-word, this is the one for you. It’s a nice, “readable” translation that stays true to the original text. Our pastor refers to many different translations during his sermons and any of those would be good to use.
Is Hell a real place?
Yes--Jesus spoke of Hell as a place where the suffering never ends (Matthew 25:41; Mark 9:48). It’s a curse worse than “being drowned in the sea.” (Mark 9:42) The pain of Hell will produce “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:12)
​Hell is the place reserved for those who reject Jesus in this life.
​Hell is a real place, and this grieves us and motivates us to live self-sacrificially so that others might see the beauty of Christ that we see.
Can I lose my salvation?
No, you cannot lose your salvation. Here’s what Jesus said:
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” John 10:27-29
Salvation is a gift (Ephesians 2:8) that God doesn’t take away (Philippians 1:6). When someone is living in a pattern of sin, a better question to ask might be, “Have I ever truly received Jesus as my Savior?” We know that people who have truly received Jesus live a changed life. If someone isn’t living a changed life, there’s the real (and scary) chance that they are not a Christian. To which we might reply, “Trust Jesus as your Savior." God gives us His Holy Spirit, a seal guaranteeing His fulfillment. (Ephesians 1:14) When He gives the Holy Spirit, He doesn’t take that away.
What is baptism?
Baptism is not required for salvation, but is the first step of faith for believers. The baptismal waters do not save anyone. It is only Jesus who does that. Baptism is a picture of the work that Jesus has done in a person’s heart.
Baptism illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) It shows our new life as a follower of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Baptism does not make you a believer… it shows that you already believe. Baptism does not save you; Jesus does!
We follow Jesus’ example in baptism. He was baptized (Mark 1:9), and commanded us to be baptized (Matthew 28:19-20).
At Roebuck Baptist Church, we baptize by immersion. That’s the example we see throughout Scripture, and is the basis for the meaning of the word “baptize,” which means to immerse (or dip under) in water.
Ready to be baptized?
If you are a believer, you should be baptized! It doesn’t matter if you were saved 20 years ago or just last week… it’s time to take the next step in your faith journey.
We usually baptize on Sunday mornings at the beginning of the service. Just talk to our pastor or another staff member and we will let you know what you need to do to be baptized.
Do I have to be baptized?
Baptism is not required for salvation, but is the first step of faith for new believers. The water we use is not special. Touching it does not save anyone… it is only Jesus who does that. Believers’ Baptism is a picture of the work that Jesus has done in a person’s heart. We believe the Bible teaches Baptism by immersion so we do recommend that you be baptized by immersion before you can be a member of RBC. If you have already been baptized by immersion then you are all set.
“I just became a new believer in Christ,” now what?
Become a part of our fellowship at RBC and be baptized! (see above). You can meet with our pastor or any of our staff to discuss this.
We would also suggest a few other things…
Find a Bible translation you’re comfortable with (see above) and begin reading God’s Word.
Pray - just talk to your heavenly Father. He cares for you.
Get involved in a group of believers like our Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes (See Bible Study) and other small groups or discipleship classes (see discipleship)
Begin serving somewhere in the church. We have many opportunities where you can get involved.
Pray for opportunities to share your faith with others who may not know who Jesus is.
Why Should I become a member at Roebuck Baptist Church?
We believe that every believer in Christ needs to align themselves with a local church and to get involved in the ministries of that church (Hebrews 10:24-25). Jesus established the church while he was here on earth (Matthew 16:13-19) and it is the organization that God will use until He comes again.
Roebuck Baptist Church is one of those churches that God has established to take His message to the world. As a member at RBC you will be a part of a community of faith that will rally around you in times of crisis, encourage you in your day to day living and give you opportunities to serve. You can serve by helping out in different ministries of the church, you can teach, serve on various leadership teams, represent RBC in the community and even go with groups from RBC on various mission opportunities here and around the world.
To become a member of RBC first you must have put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you have not already done that, we would be glad to talk to you about how you can become a believer in Christ (Good News). Then you need to present yourself as a candidate for membership before the congregation. If you would like to, you can talk to our pastor or one of our staff and we would be happy to walk you through the process.
I hope you will consider becoming a member of RBC and then you can help us spread the message of Jesus Christ to the world.
First time at RBC-What can I expect?
We’re so glad you’ve decided to visit us at Roebuck Baptist Church! You’ll find a list of commonly asked questions below. Please don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at 864-706-5697 to let us know you’re coming!
How do I get there?
RBC is located in the heart of Roebuck, SC in the middle of Spartanburg County. We are conveniently located near I-26 either from the Reidville Road (exit 22) or Hwy 221 (exit 28). Our address is 1979 E. Blackstock Rd. (Hwy 215) and we are three miles from Reidville Road and one mile from Hwy 221. You can find detailed directions at (Google map direction link).
Where should I park?
Parking is available in front of the church property, across the street (we have a deputy sheriff for assistance), on the right side of the property and some parking in the back as well.
What should I wear?
When attending RBC we want you to come as you are. There are no dress codes set. You will see some dressed up; some dressed casual. We have no expectations for attire.
Where do my kids go?
The children’s area is the wing just to the right of the sanctuary. The pre-school/nursery suite is first on the left and elementary grades are further down the hall on the left. Each class is clearly marked and one of our greeters can help you find the right class.
What about classes for youth and adults?
We have many classes for youth, college, career age, couples, men’s and women’s classes as well as unlimited classes that anyone can attend. We also have a Deaf ministry class. Youth classes are right inside the far right wing of the building while adult class are down that same hall and downstairs near our fellowship hall.
What is a Sunday service like?
We have one Sunday morning service that meets at 10:55 a.m. and ends around noon. Our service is truly blended with a 50 voice choir, worship team and sometimes supported by an orchestra. The music is powerful and includes contemporary choruses as well as many wonderful hymns. Our pastor preaches strong biblically based sermons that challenge us to grow in our relationship with Christ.
Be sure to say “Hello!”
When you visit, please say, "Hello." We have resources available if you would like to find out more about our church. We’d love to meet you and your family, and answer any questions you may have. We’re so glad you decided to visit RBC!
Do you have questions or comments after your first visit with us? Please let us know!